In today’s environment of innovation and technological change it’s more important than ever to update training materials, and to print only the quantities that meet current demands.
Producing manuals can sometimes be daunting because of continuous updates and changes that may occur during the life of the document.
In addition, your manuals may be made up from a combination of materials: postscript files, pages of hard copy, photos, spreadsheets, line drawings and more. We can convert your postscript files and incorporate hard copy elements, photos and so on with ease. Then, we can merge logos into the document and add page numbers.
We can set up your document and provide you with a complete proof copy for checking before the print run. We can then archive the job to digital storage so that you can call off more as needed, or update as necessary. Pre-printed colour blanks give your material even more impact: we can overprint straight onto them, giving the look of a colour job.